How to Hang Curtains With Baseboard Heaters

Quick answer:
Curtains should hang 2-3″ from the edge of baseboard heaters and dangle 1″ from the floor when placed in front of them. Electric baseboard heaters cannot have drapes hung on them or immediately over them because they might catch fire.

The best way to hang drapes above baseboard heaters

Measure 12 inches up the wall with the end of your measuring tape against the top of the baseboard heater. Make careful to pencil-note the 1-foot mark.

  • Take a measurement from the top of the window to the spot you’ve previously drawn with a pencil. Measure the distance from your ceiling to that 12-inch point if you want your curtains to hang on the ceiling.
  • Purchase curtains that hang at least 12 inches above the baseboards. Use a sewing machine or a hand needle to hem the curtains if you can’t locate any that are short enough. Get a curtain that finishes at the windowsill if, for whatever reason, you believe you won’t tolerate the appearance of one that extends one foot over the floor.
  • If there are brackets at the top of your window or at the ceiling, place the rod there after sliding the curtains onto it.


Can you hang curtains over baseboard heat?
To avoid a fire and ensure appropriate airflow, which is required for the unit to work, baseboard heaters should be at least 12 inches away from curtains and any other combustible objects.

How high above a baseboard heater should curtains be?
Keep drapes and curtains at least 8 to 10 inches (or 3 to 1 inch) above electric baseboards and/or in front of them (to allow air to circulate). Avoid hanging drapes or curtains in front of or immediately over electric heaters.

Can electric baseboard heaters catch curtains on fire?
In addition to obstructing airflow, placing items too close to baseboard heaters might also pose a fire risk if they are combustible under certain conditions. Make sure the curtains aren’t too close to touching if they hang next to or over your heater.

Should curtains cover heaters?
The most common error is to cover the window and the radiator below with thick, floor-length drapes. This prevents heat from entering the room by trapping it in the window area. Correctly hung drapes should end just below the window ledge rather than covering the top of the radiator.

Can a baseboard heater start a fire?
Do you have baseboard heaters in your home? Although incredibly effective, baseboard heaters can provide a major fire risk if used irresponsibly. A baseboard heater fire may be avoided with common judgment. A fire might start if a heater comes into touch with a combustible object.

Can curtains catch fire from a radiator?
If an electric radiator is next to a curtain made of combustible material, the curtain may catch fire from the radiator. Water radiators often don’t reach hot enough to ignite curtains, but they still have the potential to burn any adjoining delicate textiles.

Is it safe to hang curtains over hot water baseboard heaters?
Make sure drapes are hung 4.72 inches (12 cm) over baseboard heaters. Make sure drapes don’t obstruct baseboard heaters’ fronts. Never let the baseboard heaters and the curtains contact.

How do you keep curtains off baseboard heaters?
Avoid hanging drapes or curtains in front of or immediately over electric heaters. Keep drapes and curtains at least 8 to 10 inches (or 3 to 1 inch) above electric baseboards and/or in front of them (to allow air to circulate). Avoid hanging drapes or curtains in front of or immediately over electric heaters.

Can hot water baseboard heaters cause a fire?
The bottom conclusion is that these line voltage electricity suckers grow extremely hot and can catch fire if combustible things are brought too close.

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